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Issue Brief: Restorative Justice as a Health Equity Resource for Girls of Color

The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity, Co-Founder of the Learning Network. is proud to announce the release of “Increasing School Connectedness for Girls: Restorative Justice as a Health Equity Resource,” an issue brief authored by Senior Scholar Thalia González, a nationally recognized restorative justice (RJ) expert, and

Gender & Trauma Report Somatic Interventions for Girls in Juvenile Justice: Implications for Policy and Practice

The Center published this report in 2017 to explore how yoga and mindfulness interventions can provide essential tools to girls in the juvenile justice system, including increased self-esteem and improved self-regulation. In the course of our research, one teacher noted that students improved their ability to present themselves to judges, despite the extremely stressful circumstances.

Fulfilling the Promise: A Blueprint to Build Police-Free Schools

Our national survey revealed that most school jurisdictions that pledged to eliminate school police have either failed to carry out that commitment or have reversed course entirely. Our report examines the unfilled promise of police-free schools and what that means for girls of color.

Criminalized Survivors: Today’s Abuse to Prison Pipeline for Girls

April 2023 The new report from the Center on Gender Justice & Opportunity at Georgetown Law and Rights4Girls is a follow-up to our 2015 publication, The Sexual Abuse to Prison Pipeline: The Girls’ Story, examining where the pipeline is today for girls in the wake of the Black Lives Matter movement, the #MeToo movement, and

Bill of Rights Companion Evidence Document

Last summer, we released the Bill of Rights to Support the Mental Health of Girls and Gender Expansive Youth of Color in Schools, a call for actions that can ensure the safety and wellbeing of these youth in schools. The Bill of Rights was developed by the Youth Advisory Committee. The newly released Companion Evidence Document