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Research Report Release! “Building Foundations of Health and Wellbeing in School: A Study of Restorative Practices and Girls of Color”

We are excited to announce a new report release,”Building Foundations of Health and Wellbeing in School: A Study of Restorative Practices and Girls of Color.” Authored by Rebecca Epstein and Senior Scholar Thalia González, this repot examines associations between school-based restorative practices and protective health factors for girls of color. Throughout the project, we found

New Journal Publication: The State of Restorative Justice in American Criminal Law

“The State of Restorative Justice in American Criminal Law,” recently published by Senior Scholar Thalia González, analyzes restorative justice infrastructure across the country.  This article, published in the Wisconsin Law Review, Volume 2020, Issue 6, provides a “comprehensive empirical analysis of the legalization and operationalization of restorative justice within the American criminal justice system.” To

Case Study: Restorative Empowerment for Youth Pilot Training Program for Girls of Color

The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity has partnered with Restorative Empowerment for Youth (REY) to offer and evaluate a pilot online restorative justice program developed for girls of color to support more inclusive, culturally responsive, and connected learning environments in Fall 2020. Download the Case Study: Restorative

Defunding School Police Doesn’t Go Far Enough

It is increasingly clear to all Americans what Black communities have known for generations: Systemic racism not only persists throughout our institutions, laws, and policies, but it negatively impacts physical, psychological, and emotional health. Less evident, however, is that the over-policing and systemic racism we see playing out in the streets, has occurred for decades

Patriarchy In Prison: Exploring The Challenges Facing Incarcerated Women.

Rebecca Epstein shares her research into how the perception that black girls are more adult-like and less innocent than their white counterparts could increase their chances of ending up in the criminal justice system. National statistics show black girls are suspended more than five times as often as white girls and are 2.7 times more

What can be done to stop the criminalization of black girls? Rebuild the system

[A]dvocates and researchers say there are ways to close that gap — and to make sure that black girls are not being pushed out of school and into confinement. Those remedies include launching restorative justice practices, creating diversion courts, remaking the educational and juvenile justice system and — as the Office of Civil Rights recommended