The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality’s Initiative on Gender Justice & Opportunity, Co-Founder of the Learning Network. is proud to announce the release of “Increasing School Connectedness for Girls: Restorative Justice as a Health Equity Resource,” an issue brief authored by Senior Scholar Thalia González, a nationally recognized restorative justice (RJ) expert, and Executive Director Rebecca Epstein. The authors illustrate the need for school-based RJ policies and procedures for marginalized girls to achieve higher educational attainment and lifelong health benefits and success. The brief focuses on three key points:
- Education is a key social determinant of health,
- Feeling connected to school is crucial to health and school success; and
- Restorative justice can help marginalized girls feel connected to school.
The brief is a prelude to a report based on our multi-year research project conducted with girls across the country, which will be published this summer. To receive communications from the Initiative, including the announcement when the report is released, please join the Initiative’s distribution list.