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Study: Black Girls Feel the Impact of ‘Adultification,’ Especially in School

[A]dultification,” was first documented two years ago by researchers at Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality. Now, a followup study reveals that, not surprisingly, black girls and women sharply feel the impact of “adultification.” As one study participant put it, “[T]o society, we’re not innocent. And white girls are always innocent.” …They found a

The school-to-prison pipeline is getting worse for black and brown girls

The Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative found that in 1992, black girls comprised 29% of all girls with juvenile court cases; in 2002, the number was 30%; and by 2009, it was 40%. By all accounts, this increase is not due to a rise in the criminal activity of black girls. It comes down to decisions

How Should Schools Respond to Discipline Disparities Affecting Black Girls?

Scholars have consistently, insistently, and persistently demonstrated how the intersection of race and gender negatively affect black girls’ schooling experiences. Recently, researchers at Georgetown University’s law school found that adults view black girls as “less innocent” and “aggressively feminine” in comparison to white girls of the same age. Hence, this week’s blog begs the question,

Women and Girls of Color Need Justice Too

A growing number of individuals have expressed support for U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’ harmful Title IX proposed rules on sexual harassment, including sexual assault, in schools by pitting the rights of sexual assault survivors against efforts to further racial justice. By doing this, these individuals—often white, self-identified feminists or conservative men—erase the experiences

How Teachers And Schools Can Help When Bad Stuff Happens

Two Georgetown University pilot studies found that girls and young women [who had been through trauma and] who did yoga reported better self-esteem and developed skills that they could use in stressful situations — taking care of their own children, for example. A former student in juvenile hall spoke about the impact of yoga: “Most

Untrained Police Officers in Schools Focus on Girls of Color, Report Says

Black girls are nearly four times more likely to be arrested at school than their white counterparts and Latina girls are almost three times more likely to be arrested in elementary school than white girls, a new report says. Researchers at the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality and the National Black Women’s Justice